Mission Statement

Farmington High School Gymnastics is dedicated to helping all participants reach their potential, both physically and mentally, through the sport of gymnastics.
We believe all children are precious gifts. Every child, regardless of ability, deserves the best instruction possible.
It is our goal to provide a safe and loving atmosphere in which each child knows he or she is valued. We will strive to provide an environment that cultivates listening skills, confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline and responsibility.
In addition, FHS Tigers Gymnastics abides by the mission statement and beliefs of the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) outlined below.
MSHSL Mission Statement
The Minnesota State High School league provides educational opportunities for students through interscholastic athletics and fine arts programs, and provides leadership and support for member schools.
MSHSL Beliefs
We believe that…
SOURCE: http://www.mshsl.org/mshsl/aboutmshsl.asp?page=1
Farmington High School Gymnastics is dedicated to helping all participants reach their potential, both physically and mentally, through the sport of gymnastics.
We believe all children are precious gifts. Every child, regardless of ability, deserves the best instruction possible.
It is our goal to provide a safe and loving atmosphere in which each child knows he or she is valued. We will strive to provide an environment that cultivates listening skills, confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline and responsibility.
In addition, FHS Tigers Gymnastics abides by the mission statement and beliefs of the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) outlined below.
MSHSL Mission Statement
The Minnesota State High School league provides educational opportunities for students through interscholastic athletics and fine arts programs, and provides leadership and support for member schools.
MSHSL Beliefs
We believe that…
- Participation in school activity programs is a privilege and not a right.
- Sportsmanship needs to have a constant presence in all school-based activity programs.
- Students should have an equal opportunity to participate in all activities offered by their school.
- Ethical behavior, dignity and respect are non-negotiable.
- Student participants who choose to be chemically free must be supported.
- Collaborative relationships with parents enhance a school's opportunity to positively impact student success.
- Academic priorities must come before participation in athletic or fine arts activities.
- Positive role models and an active involvement in a student's life by parents and others are critical to student success.
- High school activity programs are designed for student participants, and adults must serve in a supportive role.
- The success of the team is more important than individual honors.
- Compliance with school, community and League rules is essential for all activity participants.
- Participation in school-sponsored activities must be inclusive, not exclusive.
- Ethical behavior, fairness, and embracing diversity best serve students and school communities
SOURCE: http://www.mshsl.org/mshsl/aboutmshsl.asp?page=1